Would you like to study in the United States of America? Let us help you achieve your dreams

United States of America the land of opportunity, is a country primarily located in North America. It consists of 50 states, a federal district, five major self-governing territories, 326 Indian reservations, and some minor possessions. It is the world’s third- or fourth-largest country by total area and it is the third most populous country in the world.

US is home to one of the world’s finest education systems as well as its top universities, with excellent programs across all disciplines. At all levels, outstanding program options are available in conventional subjects as well as professional fields.

The USA has the world’s largest international student population, with more than 1,000,000 students choosing to broaden their education and life experience in the United States. Nearly 5% of all students enrolled in higher-level education in the USA are international students, and the numbers are growing

Did you want to study in the USA but found the process very strenuous? ETX.NG has designed a system to help you search, match and shortlist and apply to universities that best meet your goals and aspirations. And this includes universities all over the USA.

In four simple steps, we make the application process seamless for you all the way from Profile build to Application submission saving you time effort, and money. You are assured that your application will be less prone to errors as our professional education advisors will support you throughout the process


Profile build

we will build you a common data profile that will contain all the information you need to apply to any university in the world

School Search

At country level our Systems will help you search and filter universities from all over the world that match your study options.

Course/Eligibility Check

At school level our systems will automatically check your eligibility against courses listed from your school search results

Collection of supporting documents

We will use our credentials collection service to help you request and obtain your transcripts references and other supporting documents needed for your applications.

Assisted Application submission

Our dedicated education advisor will be with you all along, reviewing the entire application package, suggesting revisions and corrections where needed and submitting the application package to your selected schools.

Profile Share

Our systems will also share your profile with other prospective universities who are looking for applicants with your qualification. Your common application profile can easily be used for any other university in the USA.

For inquiries relating to our Admission services into Universities in the USA, fill in your details and upload your cv, and our Admissions expert will get back to you.

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