Degree certificate, transcript, and statement of the result are highly essential for an individual; with its help, one’s academic progress is determined. They are documents needed for a job application and other purposes, hence the reason for false academic credentials.
We are pretty sure you are an employer who needs to verify the academic credentials of an employee/applicant who is a graduate of Ogun State Institute of Technology, here is the verification service available for you to be sure you have employed the qualified candidate.
ETX-NG will provide you with a simple, inexpensive, and almost immediate method to verify a vast number of document types generated from Ogun State Institute of Technology.
We do not just verify the authenticity of the certificate but also, provide evidence in form of a letter directly from Ogun State Institute of Technology.
The following are credentials you can verify from Ogun State Institute of Technology via ETX-NG Verification:
- Degree Certificate
- Academic Transcript
- Statement of Results
ETX-NG Verification Process for OGITECH
Option 1:
Register as a receiver, complete the request forms and make an instant payment by using this link
Option 2:
Complete the forms below and one of our specialists will get in touch