List of background checking companies in Nigeria

Looking for companies that run background checks in Nigeria? We have found you a few of them, the following are background checking companies in Nigeria.

S/NCompany NamePrimary Location
1Electronic Transcript Exchange for Nigeria(ETX.NG)Lagos
2Avant HalogenLagos
3Background Check InternationalLagos
4Blue Pearl Konsult LimitedLagos
5Clearline Background FactLagos
7Fort Knox Verification and Check LimitedImo
8Hires Solution Providers LtdLagos
9Trapezoid LimitedLagos
10Verify Me NigeriaLagos
11Kevron Consulting LimitedLagos
12Risk Control Services Nig. Ltd.Lagos
13Klinsheet Consulting LimitedLagos
14ICS Outsourcing Lagos
17Outsource NigeriaLagos
19U-Connect-Ng LimitedLagos
20Whyte Cleon Limited Lagos
21Horizon Associates LtdLagos

From the list provide, Electronic Transcript Exchange for Nigeria(ETX-NG) is the best, most affordable, and fastest background check company in Nigeria. Kindly visit ETX-NG Verification for more information.