Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka (UNIZIK) is now selling the application form for its hostel accommodation for the 2020/2021 academic session. See how to obtain UNIZIK Hostel Form below.
This is to inform all the bonafide students of the Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka (UNIZIK) as well as newly admitted students who desire to be accommodated in the university hostels to follow the under outlined steps in order to procure their desired rooms and bed spaces:
How to Apply for UNIZIK Hostel
Visit UNIZIK hostel management portal at http://hostels.unizik.edu.ng and then follow the steps below:
- Step 1: Create an Account
- Step 2: Make the payment of 8,700 Naira only
- Step 3: Log in to dashboard with Jamb/Registration Number and Password
- Step 4: Click Reservation Menu or Reserve Button to make a room reservation, Note: You will be Charged 30,000 naira only
- Step 5: On successful with step 4 above, An RRR code will be generated for you with payer id, order id
- Step 6: Proceed to any designated bank to make the payment of 30,000 and return to dashboard to confirm your payment
NOTE: Room Reserved without complete payment of 8,700 Naira and 30,000 naira only would be made available for others to reserve within 48hrs of registration. For Any issue Contact admin : +2348126490723, +234 8107183001.