Store Scanned Documents Online in Nigeria

Nigeria’s most trusted digital credentials network is ETX.NG. We provide electronic secure credential wallet in which you can store e-copies of your credentials, identification certificates, and other important documents. This allows you to access, send, and deliver your documents whenever and wherever you want.

Request and Store

From your credential dashboard, you can request your academic credentials directly from any institution in Nigeria, and we will assist you in obtaining and storing the credentials.

Upload and Store

If you have a copy of the credential and upload and save it, the credential will be reviewed and activated.


Raise verification for your self-uploaded documents. These credentials are verified with the credential issuer, based on the preference of the receiver

Match Stored Credentials to Opportunities

Once in storage, activated credentials use our artificial intelligence engine to automatically match stored credentials to Jobs, Scholarships, and other opportunities.

Submit Credentials to Opportunities

Submission is done in a whole new way such that credentials are aligned to the requirements of the opportunities, hereby increasing the chances of getting the opportunity

Request More Information About The Service

Please fill the form below to get started

Full Name
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Email Address
Your E-mail Address
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Phone Number
Your Phone number
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Upload Document(s)
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