Electronic Storage of Payment Receipts

A payment receipt is a document issued to a customer as proof of payment for a product or service in full or in part.

A ‘receipt for payment’ is another term for a payment receipt. It’s made after a sale’s payment has been entered. Payment may be made in full or in part, depending on the sum specified on the invoice for the transaction.

Payment receipts are an extra document used in correspondence during the sales process that can be helpful for both the seller and the buyer.

Although there are no formal guidelines on what information must be included on a payment receipt, the following information is usually included:

  1. Name/logo of the seller
  2. A simple title (‘Payment Receipt’)
  3. A valid Invoice Number
  4. Payment Date
  5. Amount Paid
  6. Amount Due (If any)

You can store your payment receipt online by registering on mycredentials.etx.ng and uploading your document on your credential wallet.

Please use the form below as an alternative route to store your document. This will help you get fast and easy access to your document. A representative will contact you shortly.

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