ICT Training Online Storage

The term ICT stands for Information and Communication Technology. To get a job in recent times, you need some basic ICT skills such as operating hardware such as printers and scanners, or software such as Microsoft Office and Google Suite, email and calendar management, etc.

Some high-tech ICT Skills are:

  1. Web-Design
  2. Web Development
  3. Database System Design
  4. Data Science
  5. Data Analysis
  6. Graphics Design
  7. UI/UX Designer

ICT training certificates comprise of software and hardware training certificates. These are documents that certify that the holder has taken a course of training in software applications. it is typically awarded after a student has completed a software application training course.

It is generally an added advantage to job applicants as it increases the employer’s confidence in the applicant’s skills.

You can store your ICT training certificates on mycredentials.ng and share them with employers seamlessly.

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