Passport Photograph Storage Online

This is a photograph that is a headshot, centred on the face and showing the upper shoulders. A passport photograph usually comes with strict size and background instructions.

It is a usual requirement in many forms as it needed to put a face to the name. Many organisations require that you provide one photo with your passport application.

Here is a brief guideline on what a proper passport photograph should look like.

  1. Should be a colour picture that was taken in at least 6 months ago.
  2. Must be a clear image of your face. Filters commonly used on social media aren’t allowed.
  3. Your attire should be normal, no need for uniforms. It can be formal if you want.
  4. Your passport photograph is not the same as a selfie picture.
  5. If you wear glasses, take them off when you want to take a passport picture, so that your face is very visible.
  6. It is advisable to use a plain white or off-white background. Other colours are accepted in some places, such as red, blue, and so on. But the widely accepted one is white, so it is best to take a passport photograph with a white background.

Store your passport photograph on and have access to at your own convenience. It also helps you easily submit your credentials for an opportunity on our platform.

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