Electronically Store Your Past Employment Letter in Your Credential Wallet

When an organization chooses to recruit a job seeker, it usually sends them an employee handbook to inform them that they have been hired. Each corporation uses a different format for their letters, but they all contain details about the promised position and compensation. It will also provide information about other benefits that the employee may be eligible for, as well as a start date. The time frame should allow for this.

The letter may also state whether the organization requires additional details from the employee before the start date, such as a birth certificate, bank account, or professional licenses.

Before it is official, the letter would specify whether the employee must agree to any background checks or drug testing.

The offer letter would normally include a deadline for the employee to respond to the offer; if the employee does not respond by that date, the company will opt to recruit someone else instead.

Your past employment letter(s) can be stored in your credential wallet on mycredentials.etx.ng, and you can get fast and easy access to it.

Use the form below to upload your document, and a representative will get back to you shortly.

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