Digitally Store Your Letter of English Proficiency

A letter of English Language Proficiency is usually gotten from your institution, stating that you have completed a degree that was taught in English. It also highlights your proficiency in speaking, writing, listening to, and reading the English Language.

Immigration agencies and Academic Institutions generally require that non-native speakers of English should provide English proficiency letters, if they wish to attend an English-speaking school or immigrate to an English-speaking country.

An English proficiency letter certifies that an individual possesses sufficient English skills. It is sometimes accompanied with evidence of lessons in English, as well as dates and duration of the courses.

You can get a letter of proficiency in English from your Institution, Faculty, or Department. You can request one by sending an email to your institution or department.

Store your Letter of English Language Proficiency and get automatically matched to opportunities that require one. By using our platform, you are able to safely and easily send your document anywhere in the world. Visit or use the forms below and a representative will get back to you shortly.

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