Store Your IELTS Certificate Electronically in Nigeria

The International Examination Language Testing System (IELTS) is a language test for non-native speakers of English who are going to English-speaking countries for immigration, job or education purposes. It is usually held online or in test centres across many nations of the world. This exam determines the proficiency of English Language of a non-native speaker.

There are two modules of IELTS examination. They are the academic module and general module.

  1. Academic Module:

Non-native speakers of English Language who want to travel to countries like UK, US, Canada, Australia, etc. for the sake of education write the academic module.

  • General Module:

This module is for people travelling to English-speaking countries for the sake of immigration, or jobs.

It takes about 13 calendar days to get your result if you have taken the paper-based test, while it takes only 3-5 days for a computer-based test.

IELTS Certificate

An IELTS Certificate is mailed to the exam taker after successful completion of the examination. It contains the taker’s information as well as the grades earned. Earning an IELTS Certificate is a huge step in taking advantages of immigration, education, and job opportunities. An IELTS Certificate is valid for only to (2) years.

Do not waste the potential of getting more opportunities with your IELTS Certificate and store it in our safe automatic opportunity matching system. Keep your IELTS Certificate busy with us today. Visit or use the forms below and a representative will get back to you shortly.

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